Category: Blog
Discover our insightful Blog. Articles on Digital Banking, our Mission, our Goal and how we want to achieve it. Read our articles today!
What Could Go Wrong? The Benefits and Pitfalls of Behavioural Science in Banking
Moneythor Behavioural Science Series with Klaus Wertenbroch. Moneythor’s behavioural science series, a four-part collection of [...]
What are APIs? | Digital Banking 101
The term Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) first emerged at the beginning of the 2000’s in [...]
When Banking and Behavioural Science Collide
Moneythor Behavioural Science Series with Klaus Wertenbroch. Moneythor’s behavioural science series, a four-part collection of [...]
Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS)
What is Banking-as-a-Service? Banking-as-a-service (BaaS) is an end-to-end process where third parties – finTech, non-finTech, [...]
What is Sustainable Finance?
Environmental issues and climate change have never been so topical and there is a growing [...]
Information Avoidance | Behavioural Science in Banking
How often do you read the terms and conditions when downloading a new mobile app [...]
Benefits of Offering an Adult/Child or Junior Account
Financial literacy and money management are not always part of the school curriculum and most [...]
Hyperbolic Discounting | Behavioural Science in Banking
We have all been there, our plans to eat healthily or save for the future [...]
Digital Banking 101
Digital Banking involves the digitalisation of traditional banking services such as current accounts, credit cards, [...]
The Fresh Start Effect | Behavioural Science In Banking
Have you ever wondered why New Year’s resolutions are so popular? It turns out that [...]
Post-pandemic Digital Banking for SMEs
The statistics about the expected survival rates of SMEs post the COVID-19 pandemic are worrying. [...]
Anchoring Bias | Behavioural Science In Banking
When it comes to making a purchase or financial decision people often use an anchor, [...]
How Carbon Footprint Insights can Enhance Digital Banking
The world looks a lot different in May 2020 than it did in May 2019. [...]
Goal Priming | Behavioural Science In Banking
There is a constant internal battle between our best intentions and our sudden impulses. As [...]
Open Banking in Singapore; Comparing PSD2 & FPDS
Transforming the way that banks, customers and third parties interact has been an ongoing project [...]
How Can Open Banking Help Banks to Serve the SME Market?
Small and Medium Enterprises or SMEs as they are commonly known play a major role [...]
Ethical Nudging | Behavioural Science In Banking
Behavioural science interventions or nudges are used by governments, institutions and businesses around the world [...]
The Importance of Data Literacy in Digital Banking
The importance of data in modern business and banking cannot be underestimated. Every interaction a [...]
Delivering Exceptional Customer Banking Journeys | Digital Banking 101
The customer journey is the complete sum of experiences a customer goes through when interacting [...]
3 Ways Banks can Generate Revenue from Open Banking
Open Banking, which involves allowing third-party providers to access a bank’s customer data and payment [...]