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Unlocking Profitability With Customer Activation Management (CAM)

Increase product adoption and usage with personalised and contextual experiences throughout the user journey with Customer Activation Management.

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What is Customer Activation Management?

In the world of banking, the struggle to achieve customer goals is all too real. Current acquisition methods are flawed, and engagement post-acquisition is disappointingly low, leaving banks longing for profitability.

We’ve witnessed the power of effective activation techniques first-hand, boosting profitability and making acquisition programs more cost-effective. With us, you’ll implement a systematic approach that builds lasting customer relationships from the start and increases product adoption.

Why Focus on Customer Activation Management?

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Data-driven insights

CAM enhances data-driven insights by providing a continuous stream of user interactions and behaviours, enriching the data pool for more accurate and actionable analytics.

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CAM optimises cost efficiency by reducing the need for costly and ineffective traditional customer acquisition, as active customers are more likely to stay, use more services, and require fewer resources for retention in the future.

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Increased Product Adoption

CAM drives product adoption by creating engaging experiences and personalised incentives that motivate customers to explore and use a wider range of services.

Find out more on Customer Activation Management


Fintech Futures, in collaboration with Moneythor, conducted a comprehensive survey focusing on the challenges and opportunities surrounding customer acquisition in the digital banking sector.


The ultimate guide to CAM. Learn more about what it is, the benefits of it and the important role it plays in sustainable and profitable growth for banks.


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Explore the Moneythor Solution

Powered by real-time data analytics and behavioural science, the Moneythor Solution delivers un-matched, data-driven and personalised experiences to customers across all digital banking channels. Examples of these include money management nudges, budgets, savings goals, predictive forecasts, financial literacy material, referral campaigns, gamified experiences, loyalty programs and more.

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