Unlocking Profitability With Customer Activation Management (CAM)
Increase product adoption and usage with personalised and contextual experiences throughout the user journey with Customer Activation Management.
デモのリクエストIncrease product adoption and usage with personalised and contextual experiences throughout the user journey with Customer Activation Management.
CAM enhances data-driven insights by providing a continuous stream of user interactions and behaviours, enriching the data pool for more accurate and actionable analytics.
CAM optimises cost efficiency by reducing the need for costly and ineffective traditional customer acquisition, as active customers are more likely to stay, use more services, and require fewer resources for retention in the future.
CAM drives product adoption by creating engaging experiences and personalised incentives that motivate customers to explore and use a wider range of services.
The ultimate guide to CAM. Learn more about what it is, the benefits of it and the important role it plays in sustainable and profitable growth for banks.
マネーソーソリューションは、リアルタイムのデータ分析や行動科学等を駆使し、あらゆるデジタル バンキングチャネルに渡り、比類なきデータ駆動型のパーソナライズされたデジタル顧客体験を提供します。資金管理のナッジ・予算・貯蓄目標・予測分析・金融リテラシー向上・顧客紹介キャンペーン・ゲーム化された体験・ロイヤルティ プログラム等が含まれます。