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Here is where the team shares details about our journey to improve digital financial services. We cover company announcements and product news as well as the occasional rant about our favourite topics including a mix of digital banking and technology.

The Goal Gradient Effect | Behavioural Science in Banking

What is the Goal Gradient Effect? Whether we are acting as students, employees or consumers, [...]

Moneythor named to AIFinTech100 list for 2021

We’re thrilled to announce that we have been recognised by FinTech Global as one of the world’s [...]

SFA Virtual Event: Fundamentals of Open Banking

Open Banking is revolutionising the game for financial services today, and empowering account users like [...]

Enabling digital engagement for CIMB OctoSavers

Congratulations to CIMB Bank on a successful launch of OctoSavers Account-i, its first fully digital [...]

AI Ethics And Their Application to Digital Banking

The Artificial Intelligence Challenge Artificial intelligence (AI) is understood to be this generation’s biggest challenge. [...]

What Role will Behavioural Science Play in the Future of Banking?

Moneythor Behavioural Science Series with Klaus Wertenbroch. Moneythor’s behavioural science series, a four-part collection of [...]

The Spacing Effect | Behavioural Science in Banking

What is the Spacing Effect?  We retain information better when we receive it repeatedly over [...]

Enhancing Digital Banking with Loyalty Programs

In recent years, financial institutions have come to the understanding that loyalty program features are [...]

Open Banking – A Global Outlook

Since the launch of the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) in Europe, there has been [...]

Blindspot Bias | Behavioural Science in Banking

What is a blind spot bias? A blind spot bias is a cognitive bias that [...]

Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank goes live with Moneythor

Singapore, June 15, 2021 – Moneythor, a leading solutions provider which has assisted various banks [...]

マネーソー・大垣共立銀行の協業 OKBアプリの新サービス「LiFit」本日リリース

~ パーソナルレコメンドや見える化がMoneythorにより実現 ~   DBS銀行、Standard Chartered銀行を含む多くの海外大手金融機関へのデジタルチャネルのパーソナライズ化の実績を持つMoneythorは、日本で初めて大垣共立銀行に採用され、本日、“LiFit (ライフィット)”というサービスとしてリリースされました。LiFitは大垣共立銀行がOKBアプリ上で、お客さま一人ひとりに寄り添った“お金との向き合い方”をご提案するパーソナルレコメンドサービスです。 マネーソーはLiFitリリース後も、大垣共立銀行が行うMoneythorを活用したお客様一人一人の悩みを解決するデータ・ドリブンな施策を支援し、移り変わりの早いデジタル時代のお客様のニーズに応えるサービスのご提供に貢献させていただきます。また、これを皮切りに、コロナ禍でデジタルサービスの利用度が高まるにつれ、金融サービス利用者がこれまで以上に求めるデジタル上でのきめの細かい顧客体験を実現するために、幅広い日本の金融機関へ展開していきます。 大垣共立銀行は「お客さま一人ひとりに寄り添った 付加価値の高いサービスをお届けし、人生100年時代の“Quality of Life(生活の質)”の 向上をサポートする」ことを実現するために、金融取引データからパーソナライズしたレコメンデーションを送ることを可能とするMoneythor製品のご導入を決定されました。リリースに向けてマネーソーは日本ユニシスと共同でOKBアプリへのMoneythor製品導入のご支援を進めてまいりました。   OKBアプリ新機能 [...]

Moneythor is a VivaTech 2021 Challenge Winner

Moneythor is excited to announce that we have been selected as an Open Innovation Challenge [...]

Moneythor at VivaTech 2021

The Moneythor team are looking forward to exhibiting at the Viva Technology conference from June [...]

Moneythor & Envestnet | Yodlee Partner to Leverage Open Banking for Personalisation in Digital Banking

Singapore & Sydney, 10 June 2021 – Moneythor, a leading provider of personalised customer experiences [...]

Understanding Financial Wellbeing

What is financial wellbeing? As far as buzzwords go, financial wellbeing (also known as financial [...]

Moneythor at BITS 2021

Nihon Unisys, the leading supplier of digital banking integration solutions in Japan has selected Moneythor [...]

Moneythor at ChangeNOW 2021

The Moneythor team is looking forward to showcasing our solution at ChangeNOW 2021 this year, [...]

How can Behavioural Science Improve Financial Wellbeing amongst customers?

Moneythor Behavioural Science Series with Klaus Wertenbroch. Moneythor’s behavioural science series, a four-part collection of [...]

Moneythor Appoints New Global VP of Sales

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Luke Knowles as Global VP Sales to [...]

The Power of Engaging the Digital Client E-Book

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Download Byte-Sized Banking Report

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Considerations when choosing a SaaS deployment

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Download Fintech Futures Report

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Download The Exclusive Guidebook

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Download The Exclusive Guidebook

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